Amias Project website says "...In the ancient African language of the nomadic
Barabaig tribe, Amias means beautiful. The Amias Project specializes in hand-made,
fair-trade accessories inspired by traditional Barabaig fashions. Whether you buy for yourself or a gift for others, you are spreading the story of Africa, hope and something beautiful..."
Founded by Nichole Smaglick, Amias is a project that"...has mobilized over 200 Barabaig men and women in central Tanzania to design and craft jewelry and handbags inspired by traditional fashions. The project aims to uplift and empower traditional culture. It also helps generate significant income and educational opportunities for disadvantaged communities..."

"...Amias and its fair trade mission have allowed families to find stability in a region wracked by hardship and frequent drought. More parents now send their children to school, and they have enough food in times of need. They are increasing their livestock and making plans for the future.

Amias, in the ancient language of the Barabaig, means "beautiful." So when wearing Amias jewelry or handbags, always remember that you are wearing hope, the story of the Barabaig, and something beautiful..."
Photos courtesy of
Amias Project.